Dienstag, 8. September 2009

japanese BBQ

some friends of my sis came from Kyoto.
@ first we wanted to grill on the beach, but the weather wasn`t really looking too good, so we changed location to the front of our house.

in my hand : Strong 7 tallie :))

them: "& now let`s make some funny faces.."
me: "bllllhh"

I didn`t really have time to take pix. was occupied w/ drinking`n`eating`n`chatting ^^
we had some different kinds of meat, loads of vegetables (self grown by g-mom & -dad) like pumpkin, onions, paprika, potato,...
& also some fu%$in tasty shrimps (love`em ;)

some (mom`s) hand made plain rice onigiris


In the end we actually drove to the beach...but as you see the weather wasn`t a blast...

(Su - 26.07)

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Man, also mal erlich mit dem Grill hättet ihr bei der Grill-WM nix geholt.
Wo is der verdamte Kugelgrill!!!!
in Japan gibts halt keine Qualität.
Aber Hauptsache das Bier stimmt :)